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Formal introductions; I'm Lily. I'm an actress. I want to write about my job. The brilliant moments, the terrible ones, everything. It may be a little self indulgent but let me just explain myself before you click the little X on the tab and mutter "self important wanker" under your breath.


The performers community is a wonderful one. Actors, in general, are always good quality people. Eccentric, open, creative. There's a shared knowledge between us, things that 'normal' people may not understand. But it can also feel super lonely and isolating  at times if things are not going too well. I love to write and have had my fair share of ups and downs working in the industry and learning crucial lessons. So, I've decided to dish them out to any who may be interested. Not that I have any particularly sage advice, I really don't. I'm just a self-deprecating, painfully insecure, struggling actor trying to make sense of this wonderful wacky industry. 


Head to my "Why a blog...?" post for a more substantial overview of the point of this nonsense.


DISCLAIMER: I'm an actor, not a techie, so naturally, my blog will look a little shit. And I apologise for having the free version of Wix, but again, I'm an actor - do you think I can really afford that?!


Peace x

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